Monday, February 28, 2011


So this past week we headed South for a visit with Mikel's family in GA.
We got to meet 2 very SPECIAL Little Ladies.... Crista Elise (4yrs old) and Addie Grace (14 months old).

We had some fabulous times.... lunch on River Street followed by Ice Cream and some play time in a sand boat, painting pottery, and can't forget Leapin Lizards Bounce house.... I think my poor SIL Melinda is still recovering
Nicholas and Crista were like two peas in a pod.  When they met it was as though they knew each other their entire lives.

The weather was great all week, lots of fresh air was had by all, lots and lots of playing outside and I hate to say it.... barefootin.... soooooo Enjoy the photos, we enjoyed our time together and are thankful for all the new memories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 As for Evan..... he does a wonderful job as a Big Brother and it followed into a great job as Big Cousin

Miss Addie gave Mackenzie a run for her money, they did play very nice together.

The kids had a great time when Grandma put together a hot dog cookout followed by roasted marshmallows for dessert.

So Glad the kids got to know each other and had such a wonderful time and so Thankful we got to meet and spend time with 2 Beautiful Little (Loud) Southern Belles.  !!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Funny Valentine's


So, one of my most favorite quotes ever is this......
Having a child is like having your heart outside your body.
I don't know who said it, but I love it.
I now have my heart in 3 different places walking around on this earth.
My three make my heart smile, laugh, proud, cheer, and on occasion tear.
I wouldn't trade them for the world.  My heart bursts when I think of them. 
Sometimes it almost feels like it's going to explode.
I love my 3 who hold my heart wherever they are!!!!!!!!!!!
A Perfect Saturday morning for Nicholas
Mackenzie (not so) patiently waiting for Daddy's pancakes.

Evan buttering the pancakes to speed things along.

King of the mountain. After all the 40 degrees and all the rain we still have all this left.

Nicholas making a dinosaur scene with his mashed potatoes.
Mackenzie thoroughly enjoying her dinner... (with a little friend on her dish.)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011


Nicholas at the start of his party....

Here is Evan having a good time during Nicholas' Birthday Party.

Here is Evan and Mackenzie after the party.

and.... Nicholas Marching during his Birthday Animal Parade

and Mackenzie not going to be left out.

Nicholas the morning after his party.....

Mackenzie doing one of her favorite things: Looking like a little old Italian lady......

Miss Mackenzie with her attitude.... yep she is all that.....

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Lesson of the week......

I am very fortunate to have 3 children who for the most part get along so well, and enjoy each other and truly Love each other.


FFF--- Hugs

I know I am a day late, I was off my game yesterday.
But here they are......

Okay.... Somebody Hug Me!!!!!!
Thanks Mema... Ahhh that feels good!!!

Feel the Love!!!!!!!!!!

Hug me if you must, just don't touch my building.

Gotta Love this guy.
Gotta Love this girl.

Group Hug.

Hug and a Kiss from Daddy.

And.... from Mommy.

We clean up nicely don't we.