Sunday, August 25, 2013

It's been a Long, Long, Long while.....

I knew it's been a long time, just didn't realize a year and a half... approximately... Sorry.... So let's see.. the last post was Easter of 2012.  I am sorry I can't remember back that far. so recently here we go.....

My three Pride and Joys current ages are as follows... Evan 14, Nicholas 8 1/2, Mackenzie 3 (soon to be 4 in 3 weeks). 
Evan's update:
Evan will be entering High School in September 2013.  I know I can't believe it either.  He is currently as tall as me.. 5' 4"... that seems to change every day.  His interests still include creating things, fixing things.  The second half of this summer he has been going to work with Mikel fixing, diagnosing, and spending lots of quality time together.  Evan is having a blast.  During the school year he became part of the chools Stage crew.  He really enjoyed that.  They did scenery, lighting, sound, and all the background things for the plays, concerts, special presentations.  He is looking forward to joing the Crew at the high school.

Nicholas' update:
Nicholas will be entering 3rd grade in September 2013.  His interests still include all things animals.  He likes to care for them, learn about them, play with them.  He is still aspiring to be a Veternarian when he grows up.  He is an awesome big brother to Mackenzie and a great little brother to Evan.  He is inquisitive to the extent that on occasion he stumps me with his questions.... Thank goodness for Google.

Mackenzie's update:
Mackenzie will be attending our school districts pre-k program in September.  She is very excited.  I am nervous and will miss my little partner tremendously.  I know this will be good for the both of us.  She gives all of us a run for our money especially her brothers.  She is know to most as Princess Mackenzie and fills those shoes to a tee.  Although, as much as she's a princess, she can and loves to roll in the dirt and fully immense herself in everything ungirly.  She is going to be one of the most rounded girls ever!!!!
Mikel tells me often that I have met my match when it comes to her. I know he's right