Thursday, April 28, 2011


Okay, so it's a few days late, but I would say better late than never!!!!!!

The weather on Easter was calm and cheery. I wouldn't exactly say warm, but warmer than it had been.  We were able to do our Egg hunt outside with no jackets, Mackenzie was able to wear her dress with to leotards.  The kids had a wonderful day.  We dyed eggs the night before, the boys had a wonderful time doing them with their sister this year.  I couldn't count the amount of laughs they had if I tried.
We had a very nice Ham dinner on Easter Day, it's one of the kids' favorite.
In all it was a nice day for everyone.
Here are some pictures of the events. Enjoy!!!!!
And the dying begins.....

and continues....

and they are just finishing up. What a cute bunch!!!!

Well someone found her basket.

and evan found his.....

and Nicholas found his.

look what daddy got for his Princess!!!!! she walked around saying... "Mine, mine, mine"

Here we are on Easter.......what a group.

Don't I look pretty.

But I would rather have pants on like my brothers!!!

And Mommy Thinks I'm gonna wear this hat! Ha she's got another thing comin!!!!

I don't get why we gotta find the eggs that daddy put out.... he should have to go pick them up. Duh.

When Daddy hides eggs no place is off limits including tree branches.

Never too old for an egg hunt.

Evan just looks so handsome in this shot, he is growing up so fast!!!!

Don't think he's showing Nicholas the egg, he's telling him not to touch it, it's for Mackenzie to find.

and of course Shelly was enjoying the outdoors as well with the kids.

all done, just taking onemore look around.

well, we managed to keep the dress on allday yaayyy made Mommy happy!

Nicholas "trying" to wait up for the Easter Bunny. (yep to all that know him so well, that's a webkin under his arm LOL)

Nicholas hunting... ( I don't know how it got out of sequence. oops.)

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