Thursday, July 28, 2011

July Update

Sorry it's been so long.  We are having a great summer so far.  Nicholas did 2 weeks of summer camp in a program about High Seas Adventures. He learned a bit about pirates. Mean while Evan spent some quality time with Mackenzie.  This past weekend we were fortunate to be able to take a mini vacation to Mystic, Ct.  We took the ferry over through the Long Island Sound.  While there we visited the Mystic Aquarium and then the Essex Steam Train and Riverboat on the Conneticut River.  Everyone had an awesome time.  Here are some pictures of the trip

On the ferry on the way to Ct.

The sunset on the ferry

The sea lion show at Mystic Aquarium

A Baby Beluga

Stingray touch tank... that's Nicholas'

Exotic fish at the aquarium

Nicholas in a little cave at the aquarium

Evan in that same cave

Mackenzie on the ferry headed home with her Happy Meal toy

A yawning sea lion

The penguin experience at the aquarium

950 birds in this area, waiting to be hand fed.

yummy yummy thanks kid.

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